Kreative Konscious Apparel is a Seattle based company started by Marquise “KnuttKase” Brown. With his wittiness, humor and konscious thinking, Marquise always dreamed about having his own business. Wanting to make an impact on his community, he decided putting some of his thoughts and ideas on shirts would do just the trick. A lot of the designs will be about historical moments in black history or familiar moments in black households. Clothing is a way to express yourself without having to say a word. The hope is that you'll be able to express yourself in our designs, funny or serious. Welcome to the movement!


Why The Spelling Kreative Konscious?

Being that Marquise has a nickname of “KnuttKase”, given to him by his cousin because of his knutty personality and mannerisms, he decided using “Ks” in place of “Cs”, only made sense given the spelling of his nickname. With that, Kreative Konscious Apparel was born.

The Logo

The main color scheme of the logo pays homage to the colors of Africa. The body of the tree itself is black to represent the people. It's a knowledge tree or brain tree as some would say. Who we are, what we’ve learned and our way of thinking, mainly comes from the neighborhoods we grew up in. This is why the brain is green representing the land (your neighborhood) in Africa. The crown represents the kings and queens of Africa. It’s red to represent the blood of Africa. Because the crown is on top and represents the blood, the crown allows the blood to flow through the body of that tree. The yellow outlining finishes the colors of Pan-Africanism, which is a movement to encourage unity and solidarity between the people of African descent.